PCR Master Mixes
PCR master mixes significantly simplify procedures for preparation of PCR samples and analysis of PCR products. They are ready-to-use solutions usually containing all components required for PCR except primers and template DNA. Advantages of Top-Bio PCR mixes can be summarized as follows:
- They possess all components of PCR optimized for compatibility.
- PCR can be set up without mixing small amounts of individual PCR components.
- They include additives, which contribute to simplified storage, transport and PCR efficiency of the mixes.
All these attributes enhance reproducibility of the PCR tests. The products are especially useful for routine PCR diagnostics and genotyping.
PCR mixes produced by Top-Bio
The following 2x concentrated PCR Mixes differ in composition and usage:
PPP Master Mix
- Basic type of PCR Master Mix containing all components including MgCl2, additives and inert dye, which simplifies gel loading.
PPP Master Mix without MgCl2
- Modified PPP Master missing MgCl2 and thus allows optimization of PCR by fine tuning of Mg2+ concentration. MgCl2 (25 mM) is provided in separate vial.
Plain PP Master Mix
- A modified PPP Master Mix without a dye.
TP 2x Master Mix
- TP 2x Master Mix is dedicated for universal analysis of DNA samples using PCR. It is based on recent finding that addition of Trehalose or 1,2-Propanediol (abbriated TP) into reaction mixture is capable of susbstantialy increasing efficiency of PCR and enhance amplification of samples which are otherwise difficult to amplify, including DNA from whole blood, GC rich amplicons and samples containing PCR inhibitors (Horáková a spol., BMC Biotechnology, 11:41, 2011; Free PMC article).
Hot Start
Inert Dye |
Long |
MgCl2 incl. |
PPP Master Mix |
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PPP Master Mix bez MgCl2 |
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Plain PP Master Mix |
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TP 2x Master Mix | - | - | - | + |
Combi PPP Master Mix |
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Plain Combi PP Master Mix |
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LA Hot Start Master Mix | + | - | + | + |
Aptamer Hot Start Master Mix |
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