PCR Enhancer

Amplification of DNA fragments by PCR often demands optimization of reaction conditions, which lead to the removal of undesirable unspecifities and to the increase of amount of PCR product. Optimization includes the concentration of Mg2+, concentration of polymerase, temperature of annealing of oligonucleotide primers and others. In some cases optimization can be reached by addition of additives (e.g. DMSO or formamide). Interesting effects have been obtained with tetramethyl ammonium (TMA) oxalate (Kovářová and Dráber, Nucleic Acid Res., 28: e70, 2000), which is available under the commercial name PCR Enhancer. This enhancer is can be added directly into PCR mixture.

Cat.no. Name Package Price
E101 PCR Enhancer 1 ml 660,00 Kč

Product description



Amplification of DNA fragments by PCR often demands optimization of reaction conditions, which lead to the removal of undesirable unspecifities and to the increase of amount of PCR product. Optimization includes the concentration of Mg2+, concentration of polymerase, temperature of annealing of oligonucleotide primers and others. In some cases optimization can be reached by addition of additives (e.g. DMSO or formamide). Interesting effects have been obtained with tetramethyl ammonium (TMA) oxalate (Kovářová and Dráber, Nucleic Acid Res., 28: e70, 2000), which is available under the commercial name PCR Enhancer. This enhancer is can be added directly into PCR mixture.

Technical data


  • Store at temperature from -20 ±5oC. Material can be repeatedly defrosted. One package is sufficient for 1000 reactions in a volume of 50 µl.


  • 1 tube contains 1 ml of PCR Enhancer.


  • M TMA oxalate in PCR H20.


Recommended protocol for the use of PCR enhancer

  • PCR enhancer is diluted 1:50 into PCR reaction solution; i. e if PCR is performed at reaction volume 50 µl,1 µl of PCR enhancer is added directly into PCR mix.


Product Information