DNA marker 200-1500+

Estimation of the size of DNA fragments generated in PCR (PCR fragments) or by DNA cutting by restriction enzymes (restriction fragments) is usually based on the comparison of these fragments with DNA fragments of known size (DNA markers). Size of PCR fragments is usually in the range 200-1500 base pairs. This range is covered by DNA fragments, which are part of DNA marker 200-1500+ (Fig. 1). These fragments were produced by amplification of plasmid DNA of different length.

Cat.no. Name Package Price
D120 DNA marker 200-1500+ 50 µg/250 µl 1 590,00 Kč
D121 DNA marker 200-1500+ 5x 50 µg/250 µl 5 990,00 Kč
D122 DNA marker 200-1500+ 10x 50 µg/250 µl 19 990,00 Kč

Product description

Estimation of the size of DNA fragments generated in PCR (PCR fragments) or by DNA cutting by restriction enzymes (restriction fragments) is usually based on the comparison of these fragments with DNA fragments of known size (DNA markers). Size of PCR fragments is usually in the range 200-1500 base pairs. This range is covered by DNA fragments, which are part of DNA marker 200-1500+ (Fig. 1). These fragments were produced by amplification of plasmid DNA of different length.

Technical data


  • 2 µg DNA/10 µl buffer (10 mMTris-HCl,25 mMEDTA, additives).


  • 1 tube containing 50 µg of amplified DNA fragments in  250 µl of buffer. This amount enables preparation of 25 (each 10 µl) or 50 (each 5 µl) markers.


  • Store at temperature -20 ± 4oC. Material can be repeatedly defrosted.

Quality control

  • The presence of corresponding fragments is controlled by electrophoresis in agarose gel supplemented with ethidium bromide (1 µg/ml). When observed under UV light, 16 DNA fragments are observed (200, 250, 300, 350, 400, 450, 500, 550, 600, 650, 700, 800, 900, 1000, 1200, 1500 bp). 500 bp fragment is present in 2x higher amount (see Fig. 1).


Figure. 1. Electrophoretic separation of DNA marker 200-1500+.
10 µl of DNA marker was mixed with 3 µl of PCR loading buffer. Fragments were separated in 1.2% agarose gel, which contained ethidium bromid (1 µg/ml) and 1x TBE buffer. The numbers represent the number of base pairs in corresponding DNA fragments.


Product Information